Travel Slings

Permanent Price Reduction on Tumbler Slings!

Permanent Price Reduction on Tumbler Slings!

Thanks for being subscribed to Norgaladien Designs LLC. No longer interested? Unsubscribe Who wants to save money?? Guys I have exciting news!   After making my tumbler slings for over a...

Permanent Price Reduction on Tumbler Slings!

Thanks for being subscribed to Norgaladien Designs LLC. No longer interested? Unsubscribe Who wants to save money?? Guys I have exciting news!   After making my tumbler slings for over a...

Washing Information for Cloth Pads

Washing Information for Cloth Pads

Washing Info Wash Routine Quick Method- not worrying too much about the potential staining The quickest way is the following. You may not get rid of all stains this way,...

Washing Information for Cloth Pads

Washing Info Wash Routine Quick Method- not worrying too much about the potential staining The quickest way is the following. You may not get rid of all stains this way,...

It's Been a While

It's Been a While

Hey guys,    It's been a hot minute since my last newsletter so I thought it was time I send another one out.    This past week has been amazing...

It's Been a While

Hey guys,    It's been a hot minute since my last newsletter so I thought it was time I send another one out.    This past week has been amazing...

Health and Business Update

Health and Business Update

Happy Friday! I know I have been a little MIA lately so I wanted to give an update on my life and life of Norgaladien Designs.  Norgaladien Designs has drastically...

Health and Business Update

Happy Friday! I know I have been a little MIA lately so I wanted to give an update on my life and life of Norgaladien Designs.  Norgaladien Designs has drastically...

Order Updates

Order Updates

Hey guys,  Just a quick update. My printer did break to where I can't troubleshoot it so i have contacted Epson and they will be sending me a new one...

Order Updates

Hey guys,  Just a quick update. My printer did break to where I can't troubleshoot it so i have contacted Epson and they will be sending me a new one...

New Product and Update

New Product and Update

Good morning my wonderful people. I hope this Monday finds everyone doing well.   Exciting news first: I have dropped a new product to the website: Book Sleeves! These sleeves...

New Product and Update

Good morning my wonderful people. I hope this Monday finds everyone doing well.   Exciting news first: I have dropped a new product to the website: Book Sleeves! These sleeves...